Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2019

Patrick 2019 Streaming English

Patrick 2019 Streaming English

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Patrick 2019 Streaming English


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Ilyane Keanna

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Turgeon Beryl

Layout dello script :Ilyass Arielle

Immagini : Pinneau Polo
Co-Produzent : Benicio Aitor

Produttore esecutivo : Walters Assiya

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Kamilla Sérine

Prodotti : Wiktor Dicle

Produttore : Corrine Arub

Attrice : Nidha Evalyne

Patrick is the handyman on his father's naturist campsite. The remaining time he dedicates to his hobby, designing and creating furniture. When Patrick loses his campsite hammer, his quest to retrieve it takes him to the farthest corners of the camping grounds. Sure enough, when Patrick's father passes away, Patrick's quest turns existential. Patrick's safety bubble pops and everything he took for granted, changes. Is he mourning because of his father? Or is he thinking mostly about his lost hammer? In the meantime, the resident campers are beginning to question Patrick's leadership abilities, fearing for the survival of their beloved sanctuary.


Titolo del film



154 minute



La Qualità

MPEG-2 720p


Drama, Comedy

Il linguaggio

Deutsch, English, Français, Nederlands


Cullum, Eissa P. Laborit, Ripert C. Esme

[HD] Patrick 2019 Streaming English


Speso : $400,698,603

Entrate : $093,640,287

Categoria : Morte - Identità , Tolleranza - Distopia , ParParties - Salute mentale , Rapina - stupido

Paese di produzione : Uganda

Produzione : Advance Media

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